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Sunday, March 10, 2013

Week 2 Discussion

Please respond to the following on the Discussion Board:
  • the purpose of your proposed action research study (in other words, answer: what you will research – you may identify more than one topic of interest)
  • the significance of your proposed action research study (please explain who will benefit in some way(s) from the information that your action research project will provide, and how they will benefit)
Please be as specific as possible in your identification of your study purpose and significance. Please also provide a substantive response to two or more of your classmates on their Discussion Board postings.

  1. The action research that I propose to study is a website where teachers, students and parents will be able to correspond and post comments for communication and interaction purposes. I also propose electronic reading for students and teachers as well. The effect of technology on students’ enthusiasm for learning (both at school and away from school) has a big impact nowadays. I would like that the teachers and parents could interact even if not on a daily basis but at least they can send out their concern through the website towards the teachers.
  2. According to Calvert (1994), American education is a system searching for solutions. Today’s students and kids and also parents and teachers as well have grown up in a technological world with television, electronic toys, video games, VCR’s, cellular phones and more. They are accustomed to receiving and processing information through multi-sensory sources. I wanted to have an easy communication between parents, students and teachers. There should no communication gap between parents and students of this age. I believe that multimedia computer technology could enhance not just the core of curricula but the availability of teachers to answer parents concern regarding their kids would be addressed in a timely manner. This research study not only will increased my students’ enthusiasm for learning, but it will also rekindle my excitement for teaching and hearing out everybody's‘ questions and concerns about teaching. I am looking forward to the hectic pace and the commotion that will result with this research.


  1. Edna, Your action research topic is good idea on how to get teachers,parents and students to interact with one another. You are bringing the parents into the classroom by including them in on this website. It will be interesting to see what the parents have to say and to see if the students will comment on topics knowing that parents are also part of this board.

  2. I always wanted parents to be involve in their kids learning. I want them to see first hand what their kids do and see on their own eyes what they could do also for their kids to improve and excel in their classes. Having a support group like your family will be a great impact for your child's success.

  3. Quick and easy communications to parents is always important. It sounds like a great idea to have an electronic venue such as a website in order to stay in contact with parents and share information. I will be interested in following your research and seeing what the final outcome will be.

  4. Scott,
    Parents plays an important role in our kids learning. Having a strong support from parents and to be able to talk to them as well will make our work with the kids better.
