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Tuesday, February 26, 2013


I have always been a fan of blogging. Actually, I have several blogs that I made throughout the years but ever since I have Facebook, I stopped updating them which I shouldn't have and now here I am, back to blogging again.

Has anyone heard about The Book of Awesome? Well, he is now making millions of copies of his books and making thousands of money and that is because he started blogging about all awesome things. Being an educator and a leader at the same time, we have a lot in our plate and by blogging we can express deeply felt emotions, articulate ideas through writing, and form and maintain community forums with the same interests like us. As an educational tool, blogs may be integrated in a multifaceted manner to accommodate all learners. Blogging encourages students to read and write, regardless of the subject matter. As an educator, I find blogging can be an excellent tool to promote literacy and writing skills. Blogging can also increase student involvement because it uses a medium students find engaging and comfortable. In addition, blogs can serve as a classroom management tool, for collaboration among peers, and as part of educator/student portfolios.


  1. I think if order for a leader to move forward they have to move forward with technology. That way they set the standard for teachers and students. Kids are always engaged by instant gratification. Blogging is a great way to teach literacy to kids who are all about that!! Great blog!!

  2. I agree with you 100%. We need to be updated with technology so we could relate to our kids and students as well. I love blogging. This is where I vent most of the time and express my ideas and emotions. Thank you for the good comments.

  3. I agree with you that we need to be updated with technology and that blogging can be a great tool for students and teachers. The only down fall in some schools is having enough technology available for students 24/7. That is my frustration. I would love to have lab to use everyday or a laptop cart for my classroom, but the district doesn't provide the funding for all classrooms to have this benefit.
    Great blog and post...really makes us ponder.

    1. Thank you Rebecca. That is actually my downfall on that one, the availability and accessibility of technology. We could only wish for more. I am very much engaged in blogging...May it be do-it-your-own blog, fashion blog, life blog...anything. I learned a lot through blogging.
