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Thursday, March 14, 2013

Week 2 Reflection

What is Real Life Research Action Examples? Real life/world research is a common responsibility of professionals and practitioners in a wide range of both public and private settings. These include teachers, social workers and health service professionals, managers and specialists in business, architects, designers, criminologists and accountants among many others. This week’s lecture, interviews, readings and assignments gave examples of action research in educational settings. There were interviews with three educational leaders. I like the fact that the leaders that were interviewed encourage their teachers to look at the data, as well as the context, and many decisions are based on data.

I chose Dr. Chargois and Dr. Lewis as my two scholars for my assignment. Dr. Lewis said that you should ask, “What is practical? What do you need to know to apply to student learning?” You want to do something that will benefit the students. I also like what Dr. Chargois said about continuous learning. "We should never stop growing. If your green, your growing. If your brown, your dying." I wanted to have an impact in every kids that I teach, not just one or two but all of my students. I learned that when individuals/teachers decide to carry out action research, we generally want to find ways of understanding the circumstances and contexts better, and find out what changes can be made to improve and enrich both their own situations and that of others. These readings, examples and interviews helped me to identify my action research topic and

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